BMW Canada Onboarding Series
A series of educational emails welcoming new owners to BMW. The goal was to include snippets of information to get the new BMW owner comfortably set-up with their vehicle.
This was a redesign to reduce the amount of emails a new owner would receive, as to not overwhelm them. These are guides to direct the owner to the appropriate links to get them started quickly.
The header image of the first email directs you to a welcome video, customized to the vehicle category they have, whether electric. M, X or core vehicle.

BMW i5 Launch
The BMW 5 Series has been an iconic and popular vehicle of the past few decades. In 2023, BMW launched an electric version, as well as an electric M.
These emails gave us the opportunity to push the layout design a little through the use of background and image shapes. We made sure to keep mobile in mind, keeping the content tight and scroll ing to a minimum.